Courses in security are taught by faculty and units affiliated with the Center for Computer Security and Society, some of which are highlighted below on this page.
In addition, the security reading group, known as SECRIT (SECurity Reading Is Terrific), meets every Tuesday from 12:30 to 1:30 pm in Room 4901 in the Bob and Betty Beyster Building. Detail can be found on the group’s wiki page.
EECS 388: Introduction to Computer Security
This course introduces the principles and practices of computer security as applied to software, host systems, and networks. It covers the foundations of building, using and managing secure systems. Topics include standard cryptographic functions and protocols, threats and defenses for real-world systems, incident response and computer forensics.
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EECS 475: Introduction to Cyptography
Covers fundamental concepts, algorithms, and protocols in cryptography. Topics: ancient ciphers, Shannon theory, symmetric encryption, public key encryption, hash functions, digital signatures, key distribution. Highlights AES, RSA, discrete log, elliptic curves. Emphasizes rigorous mathematical study in terms of algorithmic complexity. Includes necessary background from algorithms, probability, number theory and algebra.
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EECS 575: Advanced Cryptography
A rigorous introduction to the design of cryptosystems and to cryptanalysis. Topics include cryptanalysis of classical cryptosystems; theoretical analysis of one-way functions; DES and differential cryptanalysis; the RSA cryptosystem; ElGamal, elliptic, hyperelliptic and hidden mononomial cryptosystems; attacks on signature schemes, identification schemes and authentication codes; secret sharing; and zero knowledge.
EECS 588: Computer and Network Security
Survey of advanced topics and research issues in computer and network security. Topics will be drawn from a variety of areas such as mandatory and discretionary security policies, secure storage, security kernels, trust management, preventing software vulnerabilities, applied cryptography, network security.
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EECS 598: Medical Device Security
Teaches the engineering concepts and skills for creating more trustworthy software-based medical devices ranging from pacemakers to radiation planning software to mobile medical apps. Topics span computer engineering, human factors, and regulatory policy. Students will master technical skills in reverse engineering, static analysis, fuzz testing, hazard analysis, validation, requirements engineering, radio-frequency communication, physiological sensing, and fundamental concepts from system engineering that lead to safer and more effective medical devices that are increasingly interconnected and wirelessly controlled.
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SI 410: Ethics and Information Technology
Explores the ethical dilemmas that exist where human beings, information objects, and information systems interact. The course introduces students to a variety of ethical models from historical and cross-cultural perspectives and then explores the relevance of these models to a variety of new and emerging technologies that are inherently social in their construction and use. Initial examples of issues that the course covers include interpersonal engagement through online games and virtual environments, maintaining the integrity of digital content in a networked world, and balancing trade offs between secrecy (security) and openness of code, data, and information systems. Students explore the technological underpinnings of associated technology systems, experiment with individual and group interaction with technologies, and examine the mechanics of ethical and unethical behaviors.
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SI 510: Data Security and Privacy: Legal, Policy, and Enterprise Issues
As data collection and information networks expand (and stories of security breaches and the misuse of personal information abound), data security and privacy issues are increasingly central parts of the information policy landscape. Legislators, regulators, businesses, and other institutions of all kinds are under increasing pressure to draft and implement effective laws, regulations, and security and privacy programs under rapidly changing technological, business, and legal conditions.
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SI 519: Intellectual Property and Information Law
Explores related and sometimes competing legal and policy frameworks for the development and dissemination of ideas and expression in the Information Age. The ways in which principles of free speech and expression compare and contrast with intellectual property rights will be explored as related to the advancement of knowledge and innovation, with particular focus on the impact of the Internet and new technology. The impact of other legal considerations and values on the development and dissemination of ideas and information (such as security, privacy, local control v. national and international considerations, competition, and the protection of minors) will also be examined.
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