New monograph in network information theory

Prof. Sandeep Pradhan co-authored the monograph: An Algebraic and Probabilistic Framework for Network Information Theory with ECE alumni and former members of his group, Prof. Arun Padakandla and Prof. Farhad Shirani.
Many components of modern infrastructure – such as transportation systems, power systems, climate and environment monitoring systems, education systems and even government – are becoming increasingly interconnected through information networks.
Central to the efficient functioning of these information networks are strategies that facilitate distributed network information processing.
In this monograph, the authors address the overarching challenge of designing efficient information processing strategies from a fundamental network information theory viewpoint.
The monograph is aimed at students, researchers and practitioners in information theory and communications.
Pradhan is a professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at the University of Michigan. He collaborated on this monograph with Padakandla, assistant professor of EECS at The University of Tennessee and Shirani, assistant professor at North Dakota State University.
The monograph is part of the series, Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory, and published by NOW Publishers, Inc.