Celebrating New ECE Alumni Faculty
Faculty are responsible for educating the next generation of engineers, a critical role on its own. Yet they are simultaneously seeking funding opportunities for new research, mentoring their own students, and providing a variety of service activities to their institutions and to the wider professional community. Through all of these activities, they share a unique vision while inspiring others to reach their full potential and help society along the way.
Congratulations to these ECE graduates who have recently joined academia as faculty members.

Glen Chou
Assistant Professor (effective November 2024)
School of Cybersecurity and Privacy, School of Aerospace Engineering
Georgia Tech
Dissertation: Safe End-to-end Learning-based Robot Autonomy via Integrated Perception, Planning, and Control
Advisors: Necmiye Ozay and Dmitry Berenson

Nooshin M. Estakhri
Assistant Professor
Fowler School of Engineering
Chapman University
Dissertation: Quantum Light Scattering in Disordered and Structured Media
Advisor: Theodore B. Norris

Morteza Fayazi
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Utah
Dissertation: Machine Learning Meets Analog Circuit Design: Intelligent Automation of IC Design
Advisors: Ehsan Afshari and Ronald Dreslinski

Timothy Jaeho Im
Assistant Professor
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Hongik University
Dissertation: Energy-efficient Wireless Circuits and Systems for Internet of Things
Advisor: David Wentzloff

Soumitra R. Joy
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Dissertation: Towards Faster Data Transfer by Spoof Plasmonics
Advisor: Pinaki Mazumder

Taewook Kang
Assistant Professor
College of Information and Communication Engineering
Sungkyunkwan University
Dissertation: Adaptive Acoustic Beamforming and Speech Processing Front-end
Advisor: Michael P. Flynn

Mohammad Mahdi Khalili
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering
The Ohio State University
Dissertation: Incentive Mechanisms for Managing and Controlling Cyber Risks: The Role of Cyber Insurance and Resource Pooling
Advisor: Mingyan Liu

Matthew D. Kvalheim
Assistant Professor
Mathematics and Statistics
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Dissertation: Aspects of Invariant Manifold Theory and Applications
Advisor: Shai Revzen

Seung hwan Lee
Assistant Professor
Electronic Engineering
Kyung Hee University
Dissertation: Hybrid Memristor-CMOS computer for AI: From device to system
Advisor: Wei Lu

Yutong Wang
Assistant Professor
Computer Science
Illinois Institute of Technology
Dissertation: Classification via Multiple Hyperplanes: Loss functions, Overparametrization, and Interpolation
Advisor: Clay Scott