Peter Seiler voted 2023 HKN Professor of the Year

Prof. Peter Seiler was named 2023 HKN Professor of the Year in ECE by the Beta-Epsilon chapter of Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), the national honor society for electrical and computer engineers.
The HKN Professor of the Year Award is awarded based on popular vote by all undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The voting was administered by HKN leadership, and two faculty are selected each year, one in Electrical and Computer Engineering and the other in Computer Science and Engineering.
“I was both surprised and honored to receive the award,” said Seiler. “Teaching and working with students is one of my favorite aspects of this job. It is very rewarding to be acknowledged by HKN for these efforts.”
Peter Seiler works in the area of robust control theory, which focuses on the impact of model uncertainty on systems design. Key applications of his research have included wind energy, safety critical systems, and aeroservoelasticity in aircraft.
Since joining the ECE faculty in 2020, he has taught four different courses in the general area of Signals & Systems as well as advanced UG and graduate and graduate level courses in Control Systems. Three of those courses were taught in just the past year.
He has also served as faculty advisor for several multidisciplinary design and industrial-sponsored projects with undergraduate students. He has graduated 17 PhD students, and served as advisor to about 20 master’s and undergraduate students. He currently serves as area director of Control and Robotics, and as a graduate advisor for the Control area.
Seiler received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from University of California, Berkeley in 2001. After serving most recently as a faculty member and the Russell J. Penrose Faculty Fellow at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, he joined the University of Michigan in 2020. He has received an NSF CAREER Award, several best paper awards, and is a Fellow of IEEE.