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Austin Yarger

Austin Yarger receives Jon R. and Beverly S. Holt Award for Excellence in Teaching

The award recognizes his exceptional contributions to game design education and his dedication to student success.

CSE showcases student video games at Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra concert

Attendees of all ages enjoyed playing student-designed games before the show at the Michigan Theater.

U-M origins of legendary gaming mystery revealed

A look into the history of famed video game engine MUGEN and its University of Michigan beginnings.

CSE students win showcase at XR at Michigan Summit

The student team was recognized for their innovative NaturEd program, which teaches users survival skills in virtual reality.

“My professors at U-M helped me feel more at home” — finding your place as a transfer student

CS student Taras Palczynski discusses his experience as a transfer student, exploring work for his Honors thesis, and founding clubs for students outside of the classroom.

Students show off final projects at 2022 Computer Games Showcase

Attendees gathered in Tishman Hall to play the final projects developed by computer science seniors in EECS 494, Introduction to Video Game Development.

New database sheds light on Michigan’s videogame boom

The Michigan Game Studios database, developed by lecturer Austin Yarger, helps organize the state’s rapidly growing scene.

Undergrad game developers sign video game development deal

This is the first time that a team from EECS 494 has signed a funded publishing deal.

Undergraduate student teams create two new video games over the summer

The games were conceived and developed by teams of students working remotely during the summer of Covid.

New browser strategy game has players tackle real-life bat catastrophe

As a fungal infection ravages bat populations, the new game hopes to promote public awareness of ongoing research to combat the issue.

Computer Games course continues growth, experimentation

EECS 494’s final group project requires the students to cover all phases of game development.

Students develop games, build audiences in largest computer game course yet

EECS 494 uses game design to teach its students broader lessons about iteration in software development

CSE welcomes 9 new faculty

Get to know the new arrivals.

Computer Games Showcase Highlights New Games Built by CS Seniors

Attendees wade into a CS mosh pit and play the final projects developed by computer science seniors in EECS 494, Computer Game Design and Development.